Jay Mankita's Playful Engineers Maker Space

Wednesday, July 192:00—4:00 PMSturtz Meeting Room BReuben Hoar Library35 Shattuck Street, Littleton, MA, 01460

Jay Mankita will present a 2 hour workshop in which participants will have a chance to design, build, test and play with Rube Goldbery machines and other chain reactions. There will be a number of activities to choose from and many opportunities for making connections between fun pland and serious science. 

Please sign up for this hands-on fun time. 

"This is for ages 5 and up, but if families are attending, and will be assisting their younger ones, that’s OK to have them there, but there are a lot of swallowables and poky things, so any babies should definitely be either in arms or in stroller, and not crawling or walking loose." From Jay


This event was made possible with a grant from the Littleton Cultural Council. 

Registration for this event has now closed.